
Historical chronology

This historical chronology records events that have affected Fleckenstein Castle from 1174 until today.

March 2016


First known mention of the name Fleckenstein. The family are Imperial officials. They hold the fortress in the name of the Hohenstaufens and serve as soldiers at the Imperial palace at Haguenau.


Period of the « Great Inter­Regnum » in the Holy Roman Empire between the death of Frederic I, the last of the Hauenstaufen Emperors and the election of Rudolf of Hapsburg. The Fleckenstein family attain noble rank, become independent and cease to be officials of the Empire. They achieve recognition as owners of all the lands that they had previously held as tenants of the Emperor.


As a result of a quarrel, Wofram de Fleckenstein takes Fredéric de Bolanden, Bishop of Spire, prisoner. Hapsburg Emperor Rudolph lays seige to the castle in 1276 and forces Wolfram to surrender and release the Bishop.


The Fleckenstein family is forced to hand over all the lands that they have illegally acquired notably to the Lichtenberg family.

End of the 14th Century

The castle would seem to be badly maintained. The Fleckenstein family was impoverished during this period of rural economic depression and the competition from growing towns where the greater part of mercantile activity is becoming concentrated.


Reinforcement and improvement of the defences to resist artillery attacks : building of an outer wall or faussebraye and towers on the south wall etc.


Family meeting at the castle after the death of Louis I. Important decisions are taken concerning the disposition of the family inheritance. A reinforcement of clan loyalty.


Introduction of the Reform into the lands of the Fleckenstein family. At the same time the castle becomes a place for storing archives.


The castle is occupied and pillaged by French soldiers commanded by the Marquis de Vaubrun during the Franco­Dutch War.


The castle is destroyed using black gun powder by Mellac, on the orders of General Joseph de Monclar, who was concerned about the advance of the Imperial army. From this time it was abandoned.


Death of the last Baron de Fleckenstein, Henri­Jacques, leaving no male heir.


The Fleckenstein is sold as a Bien National.


The Napoleonic Brigadier General Olivier Harty, Irish by extraction, purchases the ruins of the castle to acquire the title that goes with it. He translates the title into French and so becomes the Baron de Pierrebourg. The ruins and the lands of the castle are in future in separate ownership.


The German Sous­Préfet of Wissembourg, von Stichaner, makes it possible to visit the castle. Thanks to the development of the railway the castle gradually becomes a noted landmark for hikers.