
The fortress was built in the 12th Century and for 600 years it was the family castle of the Fleckenstein family.

It was extended and improved over the centuries at the same time as the family increased its social status in the world. Reckoned to be impregnable, it did not live up to its reputation and fell without a fight into the hands of the soldiers of Louis XIV.

The ruins impress and charm the visitor at one and the same time as they explore one of the finest castles of the Northern Vosges, a natural phenomenon for some, a sailing ship without a crew for the poets, a world of imagination for aspiring knights and princesses.

Visit it as you will and in you own time.

Unaccompanied tour

On your own at your own pace with a guide pamphlet available in French, German, English and Spanish available at the ticket desk.

Guided tour

Visit the castle with a guide who explains the architectural changes and the history of the castle over the centuries.
You can ask for emphasis on particular aspects when you book your ticket.

Find all prices for the visits