
Period of the « Great Inter­Regnum » in the Holy Roman Empire between the death of Frederic I, the last of the Hauenstaufen Emperors and the election of Rudolf of Hapsburg. The Fleckenstein family attain noble rank, become independent and cease to be officials of the Empire. They achieve recognition as owners of all the lands that they [...]

By |2016-03-10T13:00:24+01:00March 10th, 2016|Historical chronology, Uncategorized|0 Comments


As a result of a quarrel, Wofram de Fleckenstein takes Fredéric de Bolanden, Bishop of Spire, prisoner. Hapsburg Emperor Rudolph lays seige to the castle in 1276 and forces Wolfram to surrender and release the Bishop.

By |2016-03-10T12:51:21+01:00March 10th, 2016|Historical chronology, Uncategorized|0 Comments